Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Importance of 30º South Latitude

As stated in the last posts, it would have been impossible for Joseph Smith in 1829 to have known anything about the west coast of South America. This makes his comment about Lehi landing along the 30º South Latitude that much more noteworthy. This is because the 30º South Latitude is a significant location along the west coast of the Americas—a spot so uniquely different, it is one of only five areas in the world with a Mediterranean Climate, and the only location in the world that matches the descriptive information in the Book of Mormon that would lead one to locate the Land of Promise in the Western Hemisphere.
Stated more specifically, the 30º South Latitude is a unique slice of land along the Chilean coast (see the yellow coastal area on map to left). Just north of this landing site is the Atacama Desert, a rainless plateau and the driest desert in the world. It extends for 600 miles, from the Peru-Chile border to just above 30º South Latitude. And north of that is the Peruvian Sechura Desert. The Atacama Desert is so desolate it has been proclaimed by NASA a Mars-like environment, and they train there for a future Mars landing. Just south of this area the winters drop to about 25º F, the humidity ranges in the 80% to 90%, average rainy days is between 15 and 24 days a month, and in some areas movement is only by boat because of the numerous rivers and waterways. Further south the coast is a labyrinth of fjords inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands.  Only the area of the 30º South Latitude along the entire Chilean coast—a length of 4000 miles—would have provided an emigrant colony in 600 B.C. with a landing site, location for a community, survival temperature and climate, and soil for growing crops.
Coquimbo Bay and La Serena at 30º South Latitude, one of only two matching climates to Jerusalem in the Western Hemisphere where “seeds from Jerusalem” would have grown so “exceedingly” in 600 B.C.
In addition, there are numerous matches with the scriptural record:
1. One of only five climates in the entire world—only two of which are in the Western Hemisphere (the other in Southern California)—where “seeds from Jerusalem” (also a Mediterranean Climate) would have “grown exceedingly” and provided an “abundant crop” (1 Nephi 18:24). The importance of this climate cannot be overstated since any emigrating group landing in an unknown and unoccupied area would require a positive planting area that matches the one where the seeds they brought would grow, so they could survive.
2. This area is the world’s leading producer of copper, almost five times greater than the second country, the United States. Combined with the third country, Peru, out-produces by far the five next countries combined, producing just over 1/3 of the world’s copper production (1 Nephi 18:25).
3. Chile is the seventh largest silver producing country in the world, and Peru is the largest in the world. Combined, Peru and Chile out-produce the second largest country, Mexico, 165.7 million ounces to 104.7 million, and the third largest producer, China, by two-to-one (1 Nephi 18:25; 2 Nephi 5:15).
4. Chile is the seventh largest gold producer in the world, and Peru is the 6th largest gold producing country (1 Nephi 18:25; 2 Nephi 5:15).
5. In this area from the 30º South Latitude northward (the movement of the Nephites as they expanded from the Land of First Inheritance to the Land of Nephi, then to the Land of Zarahemla, and then to the Land of Bountiful and finally into the Land Northward), was basically unknown in the eastern United States during Joseph Smith’s time. As a result, several things existed there to which Joseph had no knowledge and no language to explain or name as he read about them on the plates.
• Two animals that Joseph could not name and had to use the names as they appeared in the scriptural record: the curelom and cumom (Ether 9:19);
• Two grains that Joseph could not name and had to use the names as they appeared in the scriptural record: neas and sheum (Mosiah 9:9);
• A plant provided by the lord for the curing of fever that was unknown, as well as its medicinal product: cinchona tree and quinine (Alma 46:40);
• That the area of first landing had the same climate and vegetation zone, desertic soils, brown soil group, and duplicate temperature and precipitation as that of Jerusalem—the only place in the world outside of the Mediterranean Sea that matches exactly, where their seeds would grow exceedingly: Mediterranean Climate (1 Nephi 18:24).
Left: Coquimbo Bay; Right: La Serena Valley
It is always amazing that Mesoamericanists, Heartland Theorists, Great Lakes Advocates, Baja California and Malay enthusiasts all ignore these most simple, but critically important parts of the Land of Promise that are clearly stated in the scriptural record.
In addition, this area in Andean South America, also contained:

6. Stone walls (Alma 48:8);
7. Palaces, temples, spacious buildings (Mosiah 11:8-9);
8. Extensive miles of roads and highways (3 Nephi 6:8);
9. Forward outposts called resorts or small forts (Alma 48:8);
10. Numerous forts (Alma 49:13);
11. A narrow neck of land divided by two seas that was the distance of a day and a half travel (Alma 22:32);
12. A narrow neck with a pass through it leading form the land southward into the land northward (Alma 50:34; 52:9; Mormon 2:29);
13. Where corn, wheat and barley could grow (Mosiah 9:9);
14. Slings were extensively used as weapons (Alma 2:12);
15. Four seas (Helaman 3:8);
16. History of metallurgy into B.C. times (2 Nephi 5:15);
17. History of textiles into B.C. times (Alma 4:6; Helaman 6:13; 4 Nephi 1:24);
18. Ancient towers (Mosiah 11:13);
19. A tower adjacent to the temple (Mosiah 19:5);
20. A fortification from then west sea to the east with military posts (Helaman 4:7).
There are other areas that existed in this area that also match the living conditions of the Jews, such as copious irrigation works, circumcision, and medical capability including extensive trepanning. We might also add two main and long-standing languages, that of Quechua and Aymara, as well as ancient legends regarding the sea, travel, four brothers with sister wives, etc. And, it might be added, this land runs north and south and does not require extensive changes in the knowledge of the Nephite directions. While a couple or three of these items might be found just about anywhere, every single one of them is found in the Andean area of Peru, and all fit the scriptural record without any adjustment, changes, explanations or fudging.
For a list of all 65 comparison scriptural references and their matching existence in Andean South America, see the book Lehi Never Saw Mesoamerica.

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